Hi Year 2,
We hope that you’re all okay and we are missing you very much! So far, we have loved seeing all your fantastic learning on Purple Mash and Twitter. We are so proud of all your hard work and we know you will keep being the busy bees that you are.
See you soon and keep smiling Year 2.
Visit our Twitter pages for
more fun and exciting activities @MissMurdochWW @MrsAskewWW @MissWatkins09
Visit Phonics page for relevant daily sessions for your child.
Monday 13th July
Monday 6th July
Monday 22nd June
Week 9 - Monday 15th June
Week 8 - Monday 8th June
Week 5 - Monday 18th May
Week 4 - Monday 11th May
Week 3 - Monday 4th May
Week 2 - Monday 27th April
Week 1 - Monday 20th April
Whiston Willis Primary Academy
Milton Avenue
L35 2XY
Tel: 0151 477 8270
Email: school@whistonwillis.co.uk