Our PSHE curriculum allows pupils the opportunity to explore their attitudes, values and beliefs and to develop skills, language and strategies they need to live healthy, safe, responsible and balanced lives. We aim to provide our children with the relevant and accurate knowledge and opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding. We aim for our pupils to develop positive relationships with themselves and others.
Our PSHE curriculum promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our pupils to prepare them for opportunities and experiences in later life. The scheme we have chosen to adopt, Jigsaw, covers all aspects of British Values throughout all of its units.
We deliver the PSHE curriculum through Jigsaw. This scheme was carefully selected through clear research due to it meeting the needs of our pupils. The scheme is a progressive and spiral scheme which supports our school pedagogy of over learning and improving long-term memory.
A 2 year cycle covering these 6 pieces has been mapped out to support all pupils in the mixed year group classes.
We follow the ‘Jigsaw’ scheme of work, which delivers the PSHE content progressively across each key stage and means that all classes follow the same theme each term. The scheme is very well matched to the PSHE subject guidance and also covers relationships and sex education.
Further Information for Parents and Carers :
Jigsaw Information Leaflet for parents and carers
Overview of Jigsaw Content by Year Group:
How does Jigsaw fully incorporate the teaching of Fundamental British Values?
How does Jigsaw creates opportunities for developing SMSC?
Due to our school numbers and having some mixed-age classes, in year 5 and 6 we run on a two year cycle to enable coverage and progression.
PSHE Documents
Click here to explore the fantastic PSHE learning going on in school.
Whiston Willis Primary Academy
Milton Avenue
L35 2XY
Tel: 0151 477 8270
Email: school@whistonwillis.co.uk