Our Eco lead is Mrs Hemnell
This summer 2022 our Eco-Committee at Whiston Willis Primary Academy was awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag. Our eco-committee worked tirelessly enriching the lives of other pupils in our school, creating wildlife spaces in our school grounds and limiting the amount of waste we all produce.
The three topics our eco-committee voted to work on for this school year were:
- school grounds
- biodiversity
- waste.
Throughout our school, we have developed our well-being garden with the help and support of The James Greenop foundation. Large raised beds have been erected for our children to grow their own vegetables. We have grown strawberries, carrots, courgettes and tomatoes.
Our bug garden has been enhanced by staff and the children in Nursery and Reception.
Bird feeders have been made and left in trees, bug hotels have been created to enhance biodiversity. Wildflowers have also been planted to attract bees and butterflies.
Our school have tried to cut down on the amount of waste produced. We regularly recycle, collect old batteries and have discouraged the use of single use plastics where possible. Paper recycling is collected at the end of each school day and fruit and vegetable peelings and waste are now added to our new turning compost bin.
Our eco-committee have inspired the whole school and staff. Children are much more aware about the amount of waste they produce and how they can reduce this. Our pupils are making a conscious effort to reduce, reuse and recycle when possible. Staff and children are using containers for sandwiches as we are reducing the amount of waste we produce as a collective. The amount of paper wasted and simply put in the bin was a huge concern to our eco committee. Recycling bins are used in classrooms with our eco members being responsible for recycling their own class waste. Children, staff and parents are excited to see how our vegetables grow and develop. Our aim is to utilise our produce in our cooking lessons. We would also love to donate our school grown crops to local food banks or other charitable causes.
To find out more information about the fantastic work our eco-committee do, visit our Twitter hashtag - #WWPAECO
Whiston Willis Primary Academy
Milton Avenue
L35 2XY
Tel: 0151 477 8270
Email: school@whistonwillis.co.uk