Whiston Willis is able to offer both breakfast and after school club provision.
This is a 'not for profit service' and there is a cost to families who access this provision for their children. The charges are used directly to employ staff, provide snacks and to provide and replenish resources used for activities.
Please contact the school office for costs.
Please note: School reserves the right to withdraw the offer of any provision if outstanding debt reaches an unreasonable amount. Regular updates will be provided to parents and notification given of the risk of losing places.
Breakfast Club runs from 7:45am until the start of the official school day.
Children are provided with breakfast which is usually a choice of; cereals, toast, bagels, crumpets, pancakes, yoghurts or fruit.
After School Club runs from the end of the school day until 5:30pm.
Children are provided with a snack and after school club staff will be happy to share a menu of snacks on request.
There is a limit to the number of places available within this provision and pre booking is essential. Once maximum numbers are reached for each session, places will not be available.
The school reserves the right to withdraw the offer of this additional provision outside of the official school day if pupils are unable to behave well or follow the established rules safely.
Parents must carefully consider the use of this provision as the extended school day can cause additional anxiety and upset for some pupils.
School will work with pupils and families to support them through any settling in period but the use of this provision may not be suitable for all pupils.
If this appears to be the case after a period of time, then school may recommend that alternative arrangements be found for children and withdraw the offer of provision if it is believed by school to be in the best interests of the child or poses any additional health and safety risks for pupils and staff.
Whiston Willis Primary Academy
Milton Avenue
L35 2XY
Tel: 0151 477 8270
Email: school@whistonwillis.co.uk