The person responsible for developing the curriculum at our school is Mrs R. Pender.
Academic excellence and social and moral intelligence are at the heart of all that we do at Whiston Willis to develop aspirational life-long learners who are committed to their own self-development to achieve excellence and be highly valued and respected future citizens of Whiston, Knowsley and beyond.
Our Curriculum is underpinned by the National Curriculum core and foundation subjects, at a minimum, as well as the Rights Respecting School aims and all intended decisions are as a result of extensive research or in conjunction with external collaborative links.
Due to our pupil numbers, we have some mixed-age group classes in KS2. Due to this, we work hard to ensure our curriculum is progressive, sequential and has complete coverage of all year group expectations. This is often by mapping out our curriculum content over a two year cycle and making intended decisions to ensure our children are building upon prior knowledge and retaining knowledge, vocabulary and skills for the long term.
We offer all our learners, a broad and balanced curriculum with the ultimate aim of equipping them with an abundance of embedded knowledge, a range of mastered skills whilst developing the characteristics that make them confident, resilient, empathetic life-long learners: preparing them fully for the next step in their academic journey.
Programming our learners to believe that they can achieve any goal they set their mind to, is an integral part of our school ethos - ensuring expectations are set high at all times and that our pupils have the cultural capital to competently take their place in society, despite their context.
We are committed to ensuring that our learners are prepared to face difficulty, in all aspects of their life, with confidence and resilience, seeing failure as a stepping stone to success; reflecting on and learning from their mistakes: academically, socially and morally.
Our curriculum is designed to ensure our learners are exposed to a wide range of experiences, obtaining and embedding knowledge, developing a rich bank of vocabulary, whilst being in control and navigating their own way through their learning journey at our school and beyond.
To further enhance our curriculum offer, we employ subject specialists to support us with the successful delivery in certain aspects of our P.E and music curriculum: ensuring the highest quality experiences are offered to our learners to develop their skills. We plan for external visitors and enrichment trips to support and enhance our learning opportunities, to ensure that learning is always first hand where possible. In addition, we plan a wide-range of extra – curricular activities that we offer to our learners, including physical and creative opportunities outside of the curriculum.
Our Curriculum Drivers drive our commitment to academic excellence and social and moral intelligence:
Curriculum Intentions
- In Early Years we will ensure children are ready for the next step in their learning journey and have a broad range of knowledge and skills to provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and beyond
- All children will be fluent and effective readers; enabling them to access the wider curriculum, develop a rich vocabulary and enjoy reading for pleasure
- Our children will be fluent in number and have an ability to manipulate number to support problem solving and reasoning for both learning and real life
- Provide experiences the children may lack, in addition to diverse and rich opportunities from which children can learn and develop transferable skills both academically and socially
- Ensure children can communicate effectively and articulate themselves in a variety of contexts across the curriculum and real life
- Have access to a vocabulary rich curriculum supporting access to English language
- Have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which motivates and enables them to build a secure knowledge and understanding of all National Curriculum subjects equipping them for future learning and life
- Offer learners the knowledge and understanding of how to stay healthy, both physically and mentally, supporting long term well-being
- Providing high quality learning opportunities offering support and challenge when needed
- Ensuring children have the knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe in their community and beyond
- Develop considerate and respectful learners with a strong moral purpose
Whiston Willis Primary Academy
Milton Avenue
L35 2XY
Tel: 0151 477 8270